• Enlace a Youtube (búsqueda “Rosabel Roig Vila”)


2009. Invited lecture at the International Conference “Immigrazione e intercultura in Italia e in Spagna: prospettive, proposte ed esperienze a confronto”, Roma.


2008. Roundtable “De Internet en el Aula al Aula en Internet” [From Internet in the Classroom to the Classroom in the Internet], together with Prof. María Paz Prendes (chair), Prof. Santos Úrbina, Prof. Beatriz Cebreiro and Prof. Marta Pacheco at the Nacional Internet en el aula, Granada.


2008. Roundtable “El impacto del software social en la educación ”[The impact of social software on education], together with Prof. Julio Cabero y Francesc Busquet, at TICEMUR.


2003. Presentation of the Conference Novadors, together with Prof. Jesús Suárez, Prof. Bernardo Gargallo, Prof. Jordi Adell and Prof. Vicent Campos, Universidad de Valencia.